front money

money paid in advance, as for goods or services, to a commission agent or the like.
capital necessary to begin a business enterprise.
Also called advance fee. money furnished by a company to a financier under a promise to procure funds for it.
Slang definitions & phrases for front money

flash roll

noun phrase

A bundle of cash shown as proof that the holder is in funds: thinking it would make for a fatter looking flash roll/ showed suspects six million in cash as front or flash money to prove that they indeed had funds (1970s+)

front money

noun phrase

An initial and impressive amount of money; cash as an earnest: He had agreed to help the manufacturer get the $1.2 million loan in return for 7 percent of the total, plus ''green'' or ''front money''/ in the drive for $4.5 million in ''front money'' by Labor Day (1920s+)

Related Terms

flash roll